Brick's Culture: We need to save our planet!
| 13, Sep, 22- Plastic pollution risks:
Plastic production and consumption contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, devalues marine ecosystems, and chokes the wildlife that makes our oceans so diverse. Plastic pollution is a global problem. Approximately 7 billion of the 9.2 billion tonnes of plastic produced from 1950-2017 became plastic waste, ending up in landfills or dumped. The good news is that people across the world are taking action to combat plastic pollution in their own ways, and you can too! Check out our free collection and recycle your Lego bricks.
- Water pollution risks:
The world’s oceans are environmentally sensitive and pollution from the oil and gas industry represents significant risk to marine environments. Water readily transports pollutants and discharges over wide areas. Furthermore, offshore oil and gas activities can have a seriously detrimental impact on marine habitats. There is, however, a much wider range of other environmental impacts that need to be understood. Dredging and marine construction activities can churn up sediments, noise and vibrations can impact animal life and drilling activities can produce toxic discharges.
- Air pollution risks
Air pollution may sometimes be invisible, but it can leave a big imprint on human health. In fact, evidence shows that air pollution can impact human health in more ways than previously imagined. Studies have shown that people who live, work, or attend school near major roadways have an increased incidence and severity of health problems, including asthma.
What do you think about the climate change?
#naturelovers #savetheplanet #rescue #nature #pollution#stoppollution